What is Service-Learning?
The difference between Service-Learning projects and normal service projects is service-learning takes more effort, takes more planning, and takes a team to make it happen. General service projects are just like signing up to work at habitat for humanity. That takes little thought and preparation but does provide an experience that could help with creating a service-learning project. It is getting out in the community and opening your eyes to needs within the community.
Service-Learning follows the steps in the video “Stages of Service-Learning” provided 4 steps to achieve the goal of the service-learning project. The first step to take to prepare for the service-learning project is “investigation.” Do research and investigate the needs to find out the needs that are in the community and pick the need that speaks to you the most. This could be partnering with your local homeless charities and creating a program to help with a need they have or partnering with a school district to help create a program to bridge the gap between home and school for kids. The second step is “Preparation” this step is used to form a team that could write a grant to get funding for the project or plan a fundraiser. The team could help with planning the project. The third step is the reflect. This step is done throughout the whole process to know what works and what did not and make changes accordingly. The fourth and final step is “demonstration.” This is the step where you get present the project in its entirety (Give, 2017).
Service-Learning is just that, an act of service and learning along the way to help others achieve goals that otherwise might not have been met. There is a saying “Goals are achieved, dreams never come true.” Let us help others achieve their goals.
Give, L. t. (Director). (2017). Stages of Service-Learning [Motion Picture].
Service-Learning Project
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What Could it Look Like?
I am introducing the Zones of Regulation to families to use at home. This is a curriculum that is used in schools and clinics and now I am introducing it into homes in Hewitt, TX. The Zones of Regulation in the home will help children practice what they learn at school at home as well and getting the parents more involved and be more apart of the children's team when it comes to behavior.