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4.1 Module Summary

This week's lesson opened my eyes to another way people live. I was unaware of the true meaning of what sexuality meant and how one becomes asexual. I learned that there can be many different ways that lead people to this lifestyle. Because of what I learned the subject matter peaked my interest into learning and researching more about it.



Carrigan, M. (2011). There’s more to life than sex? Difference and commonality within
the asexual community. Sexualities, 14(4), 462-478.

4.3 Parade of Pride Flags

4.3 Family Sexuality 3.JPG

All these flags are a representation of the many different ways in which people live, associate and show their individuality. These flags can be used to start conversations with students about how they are feeling and be used for guidance.

4.5 Fifty Shades of Gay

iO Tillett Wright.jpg

The Fifty Shades of Gay TED talk was informative, but I still feel like she was creating “boxes.” I did not hear her say that she would be willing to understand the view of others that do not see things the same way she does. I am a Christian and believe the Bible in its entirety. The main thing we are called to do as Christians is love as Jesus loves, and Jesus loves all. I love all people and believe in the good of all people. I also believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, however, that does not mean that I look down on those that do not believe in this or love those people any less.


iO Tillett Wright had some very valid points that pictures are worth a thousand words and when she showed her video of all the pictures of the people she had photographed they all looked like people that I would like to sit and talk to.

I want to understand people that live and believe differently than I do, and I ask that people show me the same respect in return. Together in conversations I believe that we can close the gap of inequality with civil learning conversations and equal understanding. We all need to be able to understand each other’s points of view if we want to live equally together. In some cases we will have to walk away from conversations agreeing to disagree but still with mutual respect for one another (Talk, 2012).




Wright, i. T. (2012, December ). Fifty Shades of Gay . Retrieved from


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