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3.1 Module Summary

I learned from this week reading material that there are a lot of things about this issue that I do not know. The overall topic is taking me outside of my comfort zone but in a good way. I want to understand more about “The Genderbread Person” topic and why we do not live in a binary world anymore. I like learning people’s backgrounds, for example how did the person grow up, what were their parents like, where did they go to school, who were their friends in early childhood, preteens, and teenage years. I believe that all those  events play a big roll in why people become who they are and why they make the decisions they make as adults.

Learning more about the Genderbread Person will allow me to understand each individual as well as the family as a whole. I will be able to be a mediator between family members in order to help build or rebuild the family. I will be able to give the family back a foundation. I learned that I could do this by studying this weeks reading material.


3.3 Pass the Popcorn

Moonlight is a coming of age movie about an African American boy that fights with who he is and who he wants to be. When he visits an old friend he realizes that he loves him and things start to become clear. He did not have a role model in his life to help and guide him with all of lifes ups and downs but he did have his friend whom he loved.

This movie was directed by Barry Jenkins and was released in 2016


Klinefelter Syndrome is a condition that affects males. It is when men are born with XXY chromosomes, which can cause smaller than normal testicles, they produce less testosterone than normal, and can cause infertility.

Boys and men with this syndrome tend to be taller than their peers. They can have learning disabilities such as a delay in gross motor skills, delays in speech and language development and problems learning to read. They can also have ADHD and even be on the autism spectrum with this condition. If Klinefelter Syndrome is not caught early enough it cause a delay or incomplete puberty development, breast enlargement and a decrease in muscle mass along with many more developmental issues.


Reference, G. H. (n.d.). Genetics Home Reference . Retrieved from U.S. National Library of medicine :

3.1 Module Summary

Brokeback Mountain.png
The Danish Girl.png

The Danish Girl is a movie about a husband and wife. The wife wants her husband to pose for a painting by holding up a dress and that sparks a feeling in him that changes his world forever. He starts dressing like a woman and goes as far as being the first male to undergo a sex change operation. The story is about his journey to becoming a woman. 

This movie was directed Tom Hooper and was released in 2015.

This movie is about 2 ranchers that are married and have children with their wives. as they go out on their trips to herd cattle they realize that they are in love with each other. It is a secret that they keep from those they love because they believe that ranchers are not gay. They are "manly men" and the feelings they are having have to stay hidden. 

This movie was directed by Ang Lee and was released in 2005.

Transamerica is about a transvestite that finds her son and adopts him from a children's home. She tells him that she is a social worker that is there to take him to his new home. Along the journey she reveals parts of herself by the way she talks to him and acts. When they get to their destination all is revealed and the son and mom starts over with their relationship.

This movie was directed by Duncan Tucker and was released in 2005.



Wikipedia. (n.d.). wikipedia . Retrieved from wikipedia :

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