3.4 Paycheck Memes
3.7 I chose "Getting Paid, Don't be that Girl, Understanding your Paycheck" podcast. I can relate to this podcast because when I first started working, I did the math and thought "man I'm making pretty good money," except I wasn't. I learned about all that is taken out of my paycheck and learned (the hard way) how to manage my money. I was "that girl" until I started having to pay bills when I moved out and had to be more responsible. Having insurance taken out of my paycheck took even more and I had to adjust my budget to fit.
3.6 Benefits package ranking
1. Professional Development Opportunities
2. Conference Attendance Budget
3. New Faculty Mentoring Program
4. Flex Time
5. Competitive Salary
6. Health Insurance (would need to include health, dental and vision)
7. 401(k) Matching (and/or TRS)
8. Curriculum and Supply Budget
9. Paid Time Off (PTO)
10. Mileage
11 Health Club Membership
12. Cell Phone Reimbursement
The dealbreaker for me would have to be no Curriculum and Supply budget. The job I want to do would have to have a budget for those things. One thing on the list that is not important to me is the cell phone reimbursement, would be nice but not necessary.