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LAB Artifact 1: Logic Model

LAB Artifact 1.JPG

LAB Artifact 2

Midway Brochure 1.JPG
Midway Brochure 2.JPG

LAB Artifact 3

Zones PD issue 2.jpg

LAB Artifact 4

Community Relations through Midway ISD

LAB Artifact 5


LAB Artifact 6


LAB Artifact 7

LAB Artifact 8 

Regulation Station Rules.png

The Regulation Station is used by students to provide them with ways to regulate their bodies on their own. Teachers and staff demonstrate how the station is used and then allow students to use it when they feel their bodies need regulating.

The students will take a picture of what they did and show it to their teacher, the teacher then, will find time in the day to discuss what the student did and how the student was feeling before performing the Regulation Station and then how they felt after. This is a great way for the teacher to keep up with how their students are doing during the day. 

Micro-Learning Course LAB Artifact 9

Behavior graphic.JPG

Click the image above to participate in the Micro-Learning Course 

Public Service Announcement LAB Artifact 10

Micro-learning Course Infographic.png

Listed here are links to help answer the questions in the post it notes listed on the image above. 






Please explore these resources listed. If you have questions about any of what you learn please reach out to your child's teacher and start building your community to get the help your family needs. 


LAB Artifact 11 Pathway Tutorial 

LAB Artifact 12 

Behavior Management 

Welcome to Behavior Management.JPG

Click the image above and test your knowledge on behavior management and learn something new! Go Ahead, give it a try!!! HAVE FUN!!!! 

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